Race Today Writer short Course APPLication

For emerging PoC/BAME writers that are looking to take their current writing in new directions and would like to utilise the opportunity to discuss or collaborate with other writer’s of colour, investigate into PoC archive and consider the paths to talk about race in their work. Join writer, director and facilitator Tian Glasgow to explore these thorny areas and create new work:

  • Across 5 sessions the writers will explore the uses and pitfalls of using archive, the responsibility of telling other people’s stories, investigate into the necessity for factual rigour versus dramaturgy.

  • Regular writing exercises, discussion and shadowing of the main Race Today process will culminate in a short piece created by each writer.

  • This will be shared in a reading by professional actors to an invited audience.

Writers must be able to commit to the following dates and times:

5 Sessions

23rd February – 12pm – 3pm

2nd March – 12pm – 3pm

23rd March – 12pm – 3pm

15th April – 7pm – 9pm

17th April – 7pm – 9pm

The deadline for applications is Monday 18th February at 6pm. 

All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by Wednesday 20th February.

The course is FREE. Although successful writers must pay a single upfront fee of £20 on the first day of the course.